Introduction: Foreigners wishing to be granted Thai citizenship under Thai law must be living and working in Thailand for 3 continuous years and be able to speak and understand Thai. Then they may apply for naturalisation.
Benefits of Thai citizenship:

- Able toown land and properties in your name
- No longer need a Work Permit.
- No longer need to apply for visa every year
- No longer need to do visa run
- No longer need re-entry permit
- Able to hold more than 49% of share in Thai company
- Have been living Thailand for 3 years
- Been employed and paying tax (Phor Ngo Dor 91) for 3 years
- Married to Thai citizen (with or without children)
- Have full legal status in Thailand and your home country
- Show good behavior with no convictions
- Have Thai language skills
If you wish to acquire Thai citizenship. At TILA legal we can assist you with your application.
Step 1. TILA legal will prepare required documentations and submit your application.
Step 2. TILA legal will arrange an interview with the immigration officer for you, we will advice on how to handle yourself during the interview
The application submission process takes up to 6 - 12 months.
An exception may be made to this rule if there is reasonable cause, such as marrying a Thai and having children born in Thailand or having studied in a local university/college as an undergraduate.
However; under the new provisions of the Thai Nationality Act (No. 2) B.E. 2535 (A.D. 1992), any person, whether born inside or outside Thailand, whose father or mother has Thai nationality, is entitled to register his/her Thai nationality at the local district office where he/she wants to have his/her name registered in a house registration. He/she must submit various required documents.